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IT Consulting and Design Agency

We help to design, build and deliver digital products. We dig the problem or the need, research the possible solutions, choose the most suitable based on current context. Than we design branding, UX/UI, promotion materials and system architecture of the future product, find a team or come into the current one to implement the plan. We setup processes and infrastructure, launch the first version and leave you with the autonomous team able to maintain and develop the product further.

We are most helpful, if you need to create a new product, relaunch the existing product or a part of it, or rapidly scale up your product according to the increased number of users. We help the product to make a step forward — no matter if it is a first step or the one it got stuck with. It starts to gain new users and remains ready for further challenges. Thanks to us product owner could focus on vision, strategy and goals instead of all the other stuff to make his plans happen.

We are most experienced with digital media, educational and advertisement products. We bring out best practices, solutions and some tricks to make the work faster and more predictable, but also adapt to the features and specialties of each product.

Contact us to get the first consult meeting: